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  • Graphite Electrode Overview

    Graphite Electrode Overview

    Ka lebaka la ts'ebetso e ntle ea li-electrode tsa graphite, ho kenyelletsa le conductivity e phahameng, ho hanyetsa mocheso o phahameng le ho bola ha lik'hemik'hale le ho se hloeke ho fokolang, li-electrode tsa graphite li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho EAF steelmaking nakong ea indasteri ea tšepe ea morao-rao le metallurgy bakeng sa ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso, ho fokotsa litšenyehelo le ho khothalletsa botsitso.
  • UHP Graphite Electrode Overview

    UHP Graphite Electrode Overview

    Li-electrode tsa graphite tsa Ultra-high (UHP), ke khetho e ntle bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa motlakase tsa motlakase tsa utra-high (EAF) . Li ka boela tsa sebelisoa libōping tsa ladle le mefuta e meng ea mekhoa ea bobeli ea ho hloekisa.
  • Kakaretso ea HP Graphite Electrode

    Kakaretso ea HP Graphite Electrode

    Matla a phahameng (HP) graphite electrode , e sebelisoa haholo-holo bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa motlakase tsa motlakase tse nang le matla a phahameng a nang le mefuta e mengata ea hona joale ea 18-25 A / cm2.HP graphite electrode ke khetho e loketseng bakeng sa bahlahisi ba ho etsa tšepe,
  • Kakaretso ea RP Graphite Electrode

    Kakaretso ea RP Graphite Electrode

    Kamehla matla (RP) graphite electrode, e lumellang ka segokanyipalo sa hona joale ka tlase ho 17A / cm2, RP graphite electrode e haholo-holo sebelisoa bakeng sa sebōpi se tloaelehileng sa motlakase ho etsa tšepe, ho hloekisa silicon, ho hloekisa liindasteri tsa phosphorus tse mosehla.
  • Graphite Electrodes In Electrolysis HP 450mm 18inch For Arc Furnace Graphite Electrode

    Graphite Electrodes In Electrolysis HP 450mm 18inch For Arc Furnace Graphite Electrode

    HP Graphite Electrode e etselitsoe hore e sebelisoe ka har'a libono tsa motlakase tsa motlakase tse nang le mefuta e mengata ea 18–25 A/cm2.E entsoe ka boleng bo phahameng ba petroleum coke, nale coke, le asphalt ea mashala, HP graphite electrode e tsebahala ka ts'ebetso ea eona e phahameng le ho ts'epahala.

  • Graphite Electrodes Bakeng sa Tšepe Ho Etsa Matla a Phahameng HP 16 Inch EAF LF HP400

    Graphite Electrodes Bakeng sa Tšepe Ho Etsa Matla a Phahameng HP 16 Inch EAF LF HP400

    Li-electrode tsa graphite tsa HP ke karolo ea bohlokoa ea libono tsa arc tsa motlakase, 'me khetho ea bona e bohlokoa molemong oa ts'ebetso ea matla a sebōpi.Coke ea nale ea boleng bo holimo e sebelisoang tlhahisong ea li-electrode tsa graphite tsa HP e netefatsa hore ho na le conductivity e phahameng ea mocheso, coefficient e tlase ea katoloso ea mocheso le ho ba nolofalletsa ho mamella lits'ebetso tse hlokang ka ho fetesisa.Tšebeliso ea li-electrode tsa graphite tsa HP e atile tlhahisong ea li-alloys tsa tšepe, litšepe tse se nang ferrous, silicon le phosphorus.Li-electrode tsa graphite tsa HP le tsona li loketse hantle hore li sebelisoe ka har'a libopi tsa arc tse ka tlas'a metsi.Khetho ea li-electrode tsa graphite tsa HP ke khetho e ntle ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa ts'ebetso ea sebōpi e tšepahalang le e tšoarellang nako e telele, 'me sena se ba etsa khetho e nepahetseng indastering ea sejoale-joale.

  • High Power Graphite Electrode For EAF LF Smelting Steel HP350 14inch

    High Power Graphite Electrode For EAF LF Smelting Steel HP350 14inch

    HP Graphite Electrode e na le mekhoa e mengata haholo 'me e ka sebelisoa mefuteng e mengata ea likopo.Ka ho khetheha ke thepa e ntle ka ho fetisisa ea conductive bakeng sa sebōpi sa motlakase sa arc le sebōpi sa smelting.Tlhahiso ea eona e phahameng le boima bo boholo ba hona joale bo etsa hore e be e loketseng bakeng sa ho sebelisoa libopi tsa motlakase tsa arc tsa holimo. ho fihla ho 400Kv.A/t ton. Hona joale ke eona feela sehlahisoa se fumanehang se nang le maemo a phahameng a ho tsamaisa motlakase le bokhoni ba ho boloka mocheso o phahameng haholo o hlahisoang tikolohong e boima.

  • Graphite Electrodes With Nipples Manufactures Ladle Furnace HP Grade HP300

    Graphite Electrodes With Nipples Manufactures Ladle Furnace HP Grade HP300

    Graphite electrode e na le mefuta e mengata haholo, e etsa hore e tšoanelehe bakeng sa mefuta e mengata ea lisebelisoa.E sebelisoa hangata liindastering tse ngata, joalo ka tšepe, aluminium le tlhahiso ea koporo.Ka indasteri ea tšepe, e sebelisoa nakong ea tlhahiso ea tšepe, moo e bapalang karolo ea bohlokoa ts'ebetsong ea sebōpi sa motlakase (EAF).Ka indasteri ea aluminium, e sebelisoa nakong ea ts'ebetso ea ho qhibilihisa aluminium, athe indastering ea koporo, e sebelisoa ts'ebetsong ea ho hloekisa ea koporo.UHP graphite electrode sehlahisoa se loketseng bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa indasteri.